Monday, September 27, 2010

A Daughter in Heaven and a Daughter here on Earth...

It was last week that we had a NT Scan and some blood work done to see the baby's growth and to make sure the baby wasn't at risk for Down Syndrome or Trisomy 18. As Joseph and I sat in there along with both of our moms, my aunt, and Joseph's sister.. we were just so nervous! I was especially. I guess the thought of hearing, " Im sorry there is no heart beat." Frightens me everytime before an appointment since that is the first thing they look for. But as I wait to be called i see all these pregnant women in there and I just think of how I would have had my daughter already safely in my arms rather than going through this scare if what would of happened never happened... But i know God has a plan for me.. atleast its what I tell myself because I know its true... So we get called back and im a bit shooken up, my blatter is completely full since i had to down 32oz's of water 20 minutes prior to the appointment, Im scared and just a bit emotional inside... But i walk in and tell everyone where to stand so that I can see the baby on the screen infront of And so the tech starts with the warm gel and then the ultrasound..and as she presses that against my tummy, I saw our baby's heart beat nice and strong and then we saw the baby move alot.. I was then at peace with everything because I got to see everything! So as the tech continues to take measurements of the baby...The baby kept moving around and was very active... She also wanted to tell us what we were having and well the baby moved into a perfect position and she said, " Your having a girl." I was so shocked and happy and I thought of Mhylah. Our family in the room were just so happy for us, but my mom knew immediately that it was going to be that much more difficult for me... she even had the hiccups during the ultrasound... I just felt so gifted by God for him to give me my little girl here on Earth with me... So now we are a family of four with two daughters and feel so very blessed!

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